I am 5 hopeful that I will also enjoy the benefits of these duas because the one who initiates a good act is rewarded as if he had done it himself. In the first part of this book I have recorded the duas mentioned in the Quraan-e-Kareem and I have ended the book with the narrations of durood upon Nabi-e-Kareem صلى الله عليه و سلم. Likewise Allamah Suyuuti had also compiled ‘Al Kalimut Tayyib’, ‘Aljami’een and Ad Durar while Allamah Sakhaawi compiled ‘Alqawlul Badee’.

This motivated me to compile the duas mentioned in the reliable books of Hadith, similar to what Allamah Jazari compiled in “Hisn-e-Haseen” and Allamah Nawawi compiled in his Azkaar. However, the chain of narrators of these duas clearly shows that they have been fabricated. I even saw some people reading Dua-e-Qadhah. However, I found that some of them were reading Dua-e-Sayfi and Arbaeen-e-Ismi, etc.

This servant, Mullah Ali ibn Sultaan Muhammad Qaari (may Allah Ta’ala conceal his faults), had seen many saalikeen (seekers of the love of Allah Ta’ala) who were linked to our noble and reliable scholars reciting their wazaaif (daily recitations) with much enthusiasm. Please feel free to download the soft copy while you can also buy a hard copy directly from the Jamiat KZN offices at 223 Alpine Road Overport Durban 031 2077099